ADA programming language is a programming language that is being used by developers of weapons in the Pentagon ( Defense Base USA ) . Now children can master the TC had little tutorial from me . However, this tutorial should not be used indiscriminately . Specifications required for the laptops :
1 . Free linux OS
2 . 've installed gcc - gnat
3 . intel pentium 1 min
4 . RAM adjust
5 . bessar try the hard drive because the ELF file will be larger than 50kb
6 . etc.
specifications for developers :
1 . understand a little pascal
2 . can not require military
3 . careful - careful in using
A little tutorial of mine that was certainly released the names of each - each maker :
with Ada.Text_IO ; Ada.Text_IO use ;
procedure hello is begin
Put_Line ( " hello Mr. Genie " ) ;
hello end ;
little explanation for the application that I created . That the name of the file should berextensi * . Adb . Keep the file name matches the name of the procedure . Due to the existing compiler that using OOP version 95 which is used even though the USA 85 or procedural . But the results of the execution can still be executed .
In line with the first file I wrote which indicates that this file is no source file text_io call . And use as a validation of the use of the command . Furthermore, start writing a procedure in a procedure after the file name ( hello ) and is to begin . But before we begin the word can still define variables and functions which signifies begin play function . And Put_Line function will display the word in the argument ( hello Mr Genie ) to enter after the word aired . And the last end and the name of the procedure to terminate a procedure definition .
Then how to mengkompilasikannya ? By using the command gnatmake nama_procedure.adb then enter. After that run the command that has been provided by ELF ( . / Filename ) .
A few of these tutorials later on next season I will post another new tutorial of this programming language .
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